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[2010여름] 필리핀 개별과외6주 조민수

처리상태 :

페이지 정보

작성자 ACME 작성일10-09-10 15:19 조회3,140회 댓글0건


I had third English Camp experience in Philippines and this is my 5th visiting of Philippines. 

Before joining this camp, My father recommended go to other country for English camp, and I have also mind of go other country. But I didn’t choose other camp. Because it was not ACME camp and I didn’t have any experience in other country for camp and I’m also familiar to Philippines.

This camp was pretty better than any other camp I've ever done because it's is very hard to find a good campus and teachers in Philippines. Herein institution was better than before my campus, and here teachers were also good.

The purpose of this camp was learning English, but I also learned about other one thing. 
I learned about group skills too like cooperation. 
when I am in group I feel little bit uncomfortable we have different opinion. 

I have courage but when I was before I was really shy.
I can also say my opinion and I can do my self. I guess our Korean teachers were very good, because they’re always worry about us like parents.
And specially teacher Alex is really how to know take a picture. She has ability of take a picture and also kind and teacher Tos is how to concentrate in class and she is also how to teach math. And teacher Bruce  always understands our mind and he is also kind teacher.

I’m really appreciate to all of teachers. I like ACME English Camp.

(초등학교 6학년 조민수)


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